Kaggle: Quora Insincere Questions Classification



Quora Insincere Questions Classification

  • Target: A binary classifier to identify insincere questions
  • Evaluation: F1 Score
  • Environment: Kernels only

Insincere Question:
Questions founded upon false premises, or that intend to make a statement rather than look for helpful answers. for examples:

  • Why is it that European food is so terrible? (false premise)
  • Why are Quora employees friendly and helpful? (make a statement)


  • Kernels only, not allow external data
  • CPU Kernel <= 6 hours run-time
  • GPU Kernel <= 2 hours run-time
  • No internet access enabled
  • No multiple data sources enabled
  • No custom packages
  • Submission file must be named “submission.csv”
  • Pretrained embeddings:
    • GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 (word2vec)
    • glove.840B.300d
    • paragram_300_sl999
    • wiki-news-300d-1M (fasttext)


train.head(10) Alt text

train["target"].value_counts() Alt text 6% of the training data are insincere questions

train[train.target == 1][0:10] Alt text Examples of insincere questions

train['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())).plot(kind='hist') Alt text Most questions are 70 words long or shorter

Word Frequency plot of sincere & insincere questions (from: Simple Exploration Notebook - QIQC):

Word Alt text

Bigram Alt text

Trigram Alt text


How to use different pretrained embeddings is one of the most important part of this competition.

Some great kernels about embeddings:


  1. What is an insincere question?
  2. Simple Exploration Notebook - QIQC
  3. A look at different embeddings.!
  4. How to: Preprocessing when using embeddings
