Facebook AI
- 构建数据集 bAbI-tasks 使用 QA 的方式评估阅读理解能力
- answer 都是单词或者单词列表
- 无噪声,人类水准可以达到 100% 准确率
- 每个任务有 1000 个 question 用于训练,1000 个 question 用于测试
# | Task | Class name |
1 | Basic factoid QA with single supporting fact | WhereIsActor |
2 | Factoid QA with two supporting facts | WhereIsObject |
3 | Factoid QA with three supporting facts | WhereWasObject |
4 | Two argument relations: subject vs. object | IsDir |
5 | Three argument relations | WhoWhatGave |
6 | Yes/No questions | IsActorThere |
7 | Counting | Counting |
8 | Lists/Sets | Listing |
9 | Simple Negation | Negation |
10 | Indefinite Knowledge | Indefinite |
11 | Basic coreference | BasicCoreference |
12 | Conjunction | Conjunction |
13 | Compound coreference | CompoundCoreference |
14 | Time manipulation | Time |
15 | Basic deduction | Deduction |
16 | Basic induction | Induction |
17 | Positional reasoning | PositionalReasoning |
18 | Reasoning about size | Size |
19 | Path finding | PathFinding |
20 | Reasoning about agent’s motivation | Motivations |
- Single Supporting Fact (1):用 1 个 supporting fact 就可以回答的 question
- Two or Three Supporting Facts (2, 3):用 2 个或者 3 个 supporting facts 可以回答的 question
- Two or Three Argument Relations (4, 5):回答 question 的关键是能分清楚 subjects 和 objects
- Yes/No Questions (6):回答 Yes/No 类型的问题的能力
- Counting and Lists/Sets (7, 8):计数、回答列表物件的能力
- Simple Negation and Indefinite Knowledge (9, 10):对否定句以及可能性的理解能力
- Basic Coreference, Conjunctions and Compound Coreference (11, 12, 13):对代指、多 subject 的理解能力
- Time Reasoning (14):时间推理能力
- Basic Deduction and Induction (15, 16):推理归纳能力
- Positional and Size Reasoning (17, 18):空间推理
- Path Finding (19):根据地理位置进行路径推理
- Agent’s Motivations (20):主体动机推理
提供了 3 种版本
- 正常英文
- Hindi 文
- 顺序打乱的英文
各种 baseline
- AM:adaptive memory
- NG:N-grams
- NL:nonlinear matching function
就是提出了 babi-tasks 数据集,20 个 tasks 构造的思路很有意思,涵盖了语言理解能力的各种方向